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Keri Gee Semmelman's Memory Catcher Welcome Video

Your own personal My Memory Catcher Historian
will listen and gather your once-in-a-lifetime stories about
your child’s, spouse’s, friend’s, relative’s, pet’s cutest moments - as seen through your eyes! …And the best part is you and your loved ones can have these captured memories, in writing,  to treasure, retell, relive, and remember for a lifetime!

Our passion is to help busy people capture, in writing, the moments that make them most happy and then to inspire them to remember, retell, and relive them over and over again thereby generating good news that heightens happiness within families and friendship… and in communities around the world.

Parent Historian
Parent Historian ~
For busy parents, grandparents, other relatives, nannies, and teachers!
We help capture stories, in writing, about the adorable and funny things the children around you say and do!

Happiness Historian ~
For spouses, significant others, best friends, military families, and company/business owners! We help capture stories, in writing, about the happiest, most priceless, and successful moments you experience with loved ones, and within your families, businesses, and friendships!

Pet Historian
Pet Historian ~
For pet owners and those who work with animals! We help capture stories, in writing, about the adorable and funny things your family pet and/or other animals around you do!

launch event video
My Memory Catcher
launch event video



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